How to Laugh in The Face of Failure

Folakemi Philips
2 min readMar 5, 2020

Many years ago, Tiger Woods ruled the golf course. He won competitions and trophies back to back like the pro he was.

Endorsements here, celebration there. It was the perfect life anyone could have wished for.

But was it?

It looked like no one could stop him until it happened.

He did something that soiled his brand.

News about his misdeeds hit the airwaves.

The same media that glorified him crucified him.

His perfect life fell apart before our eyes and his descent was faster than a speeding bullet (not like Superman, sadly).

Most of his fans (including me) quickly pushed him to the back of their minds, hoping that he finds closure but certain that his place at the top of the ladder had become another's.

When I heard the news that he finally won a game, I was glad.

"The Tiger Woods of those days may still come to be in these new days", I thought to myself.

Some years later, I watched a video where many people said they did not see him making a comeback. (He only got to see the video after he won the game).

So what changed?

I guess he forgave himself and kept trying until he got a win and everyone is happy (I hope).

Some of the damage remained but he managed to move forward in spite of that.

The lesson here goes beyond the joy of winning; it sheds light on the power everyone wields-the power of YOU.

No one can ever reduce you to smithereens unless you allow them to.

Let that sink in lest you outsource your responsibility.

Every choice you make will either build you or break you.

The good news is that you can always try again until you overcome your past.

I believe you are reading this so you can tighten your belt and make choices that will prevent you from sacrificing your tomorrow on the altar of today.

(I hope you are not like Esau who sold his birthright for a plate of pottage 😂)

Be responsible, put preventive measures in place so you can guard against bad outcomes but remember to forgive yourself if you fall and pick yourself up again.

You have the power to bury your past, start all over and forge ahead.

You will be just fine if you allow yourself try.

Stop the pity party, forgive yourself and use your #failure as a springboard to your next level today.

Image Credit: Daria Nepriakhena via Unsplash



Folakemi Philips

#Brand Builder #Pen Pro #Marketing Strategist #Creative Coach. Crafts #Content+Copy+Strategy+Film. She teaches #storytelling as a tool for changing narratives.